Quoting, Citing and Referencing
Quoting or Citing means using someone else’s exact words in your writing, while Referencing is the way we show where the person’s words came from.
Quoting/ citing and referencing are essential aspects of academic writing and publishing in general. When using another person’s words, we must always acknowledge this; not doing so is plagiarism, and is essentially illegal, as it infringes intellectual copyright. Here are some key points to remember:
Quoting/ citing:
- Involves using the exact words from source material in your own writing
- Requires the use of quotation marks (sometimes called citation marks) or other sign-posting to indicate that the words being used aren’t your own
- Demands providing a quotation/ citation reference for the quoted/ cited material, including the author’s name, publication date, and page number(s)
- Helps readers locate the original source of the information and ensures that you’re not committing plagiarism
- Involves giving credit to the original author or source of information used in your writing
- Requires specific citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago
- Has formatting guidelines for different types of sources, such as books, journal articles, websites, and more
- Is necessary for both direct quotes and paraphrased information or ideas borrowed from another source
- Does not require quotation marks but still demands appropriate citations
Overall, quoting and referencing play a crucial role in maintaining academic integrity and ensuring that your work is accurate, credible, and ethical.